Summer Visit Week 2
Update 2
Swimming, and more swimming.
The weather had been scorching, so it's time to get inside for a day to cool down. The only fitting place? The best swimming pool around at Centerparcs being the clear choice!
With our group being the size it is, our visit was over two days. With the group split between them. The children have not seen the likes before and we get fed up repeating for them to slow down and not to run. For some of our adults there is some stress trying to keep up, for other adults we just let the child come out and revert back to our youth! It's a fantastic day out, full of smiles. It's amazing to see the progress the children make in the water over the three weeks they are in England, and this day most of all.
A massive thank you to Centerparcs for the continued opportunity and partnership. Every set of children we bring remembers this as one of if not the best day of their visit.
As we clearly have not got our fill, another round of swimming was in order. We were invited to a private residence in Colston Bassett for a swim, pony ride and picnic. A much lighter day, however it was just what was needed after two long days at Centerparcs. A lovely experience that we are greatful for. Thank you!
Apologies for the lack of photographs, because of the nature of the activites the clothing being worn would be inapprociate to share.